
Thinking bigger, seeing farther, and making impact. Insights into leading, building, and evolving creative firms, brought to you by "the fast thinker", Patrick Kizny.

The Espresso Format

Currently, I publish once or twice a week, as a podcast and article espresso.

Why subscribe?

We’re drowning in useless information. We’re often deceived by an epidemic of insight porn, primarily designed to hijack reward systems, fuel algorithms and growth of growth-hackers.

This only reinforces my belief, that deep thinking and insight gained in the trenches deserves to stand out.

When you choose a paid subscription, you acknowledge that my insight is of value to you, and cast a vote for a world where thinking is valued and rewarded.

Practically, subscription will give you full access to the newsletter, discussion, and publication archives.

Why share?

The value of insight is inversely correlated with its potential to spread, because it prompts you to stop, think, and process, instead of mindlessly nod, or express your rage in the comments. It takes an effort. If that’s of value for you, sharing Futurecrafting™ with your peers is the best way to support me, and the world where there’s more insight.

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I’m Patrick Kizny

🏴 Fast thinker. Anti-expert. Strategic disruptor.

Earned a black belt in creative entrepreneurship by leading firms in digital marketing, branding, and Hollywood-grade CG & VFX, serving clients across Europe, the US, Middle East, and Asia.

Two decades in, I ditched the city hustle, closed my shop, and embraced a shamanic hilltop lifestyle.

From there, I close gaps for a living.

For creative firms, I provide strategic advisory turning unrecognized creative excellence into client acclaim.

Using The Value Method, I'll empower you with visionary leadership, and transform the way you see, create and communicate value to unlock stronger client relationships, greater impact, and profit for your firm.

I unwind playing a century-old saxophone to the delight of raccoons.

You can get in touch with me via my LinkedIn, check The Futurecrafting Advisory or book a call.

Subscribe to Futurecrafting™

Thinking bigger, seeing farther, making impact. Insights into building and evolving creative businesses. Brought to you by "the fast thinker", Patrick Kizny. #creative #business #studio #agency #marketing


I close gaps for a living. Black belt running creative firms since 2000's. Ditched for a shamanic hilltop lifestyle, where I unwind playing a 100yo sax. Now advising creative firms using The Value Method. Join me for disruptive insights and fun.